At the March monthly gathering of the San Diego Ninety-Nines we had a panel of Desingnated Pilot Examiners on hand to ask everything you ever wanted to know about taking your next checkride. Their insight provided an interesting look at what it’s like to be in the other seat, what the pitfalls are for the examinee and how they can be avoided. DPEs Swede Gamble, Julie Keane and Pat Hill, patiently and thoughtfully presented their insights into the flight test process, told about some of their experiences, and then took questions from the group.
Swede Gamble said, “When I am giving a private pilot check ride I am fully aware that when the student passes he or she is cleared to fly anywhere and everywhere from then on.” A significant thought from Pat Hill: “Each new student is only as good as the CFI who is teaching him/her, who is only as good as his teacher was. I would like to think that the latest ones are better than the earlier ones, but I’m not sure that’s always true.”
One quote, from Julie Keane: “I don’t have to work hard to fail a student; he or she always just gives it to me.” All three examiners agreed that preparing using the “Private Pilot Test Standards” is the most effective way to pass the test. They also lamented that there are still students who come to them having never seen a PTS booklet! That said, they really due want everyone to pass and are not out to fail a certain percentage. The DPEs made it clear that those who did not pass made more than just one or two mistakes. Even still, they said a simple mistake is not going to sink the Flight Test: if you happen to make a mistake, demonstrate your good judgement by taking corrective action. If the rest of your test was to PTS standards, don't sweat the error.