Our October meeting was a fly-out (or drive out) to Ramona airport for a gathering of Ninety-Nines and guests at Heathers hanger. Future Woman Pilot Andy flew in with her husband in their C182, Connie flew in with hubby Gene in their Bonanza, Jill came in a Skyhawk with some guests and Whitney brought Dottie plus two airplane enthusiast pals in a Skyhawk.
Several other members came by car and it was a great turn out. Future Woman Pilot Masami came to the USA as a Japanese air traffic controller who wanted to learn to fly. She passed her checkride and is now a certificated pilot. Masami was presented with gold 99s wings to celebrate her achievement.
The group was also treated to a tour of the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection air tanker base there. Two of the pilots at the air base are women: one fixed wing and one helo. We all toured their UH-1 Super Huey helo, OV-10s, S-2s & leased Bombardier CL415 air tankers.
We also got to sit in the various aircraft cockpits and listened to their pilots talk about how they fight fires, the role their plane plays and their CAF careers.
After the tour we all went back to the hangar and had a lunch of sandwiches, fruit, potato salad, chips and cookies.